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Can parrots eat tomatoes?

You can chop, cut, and serve tomatoes in many different forms, either as part of your main dish or as a delightful side serving. Do you know that this delicious Mediterranean fruit is among the most consumed fruits all over the world? You might have wondered if it is safe to share this delicious fruit with your feathery little pet, Parrot.

But first, it’s good to know if parrots do eat tomatoes? Yes, they do! You can feed your Parrot with a moderate amount of tomato at least once in a while.

But why would you want to take this risk? Typically there are several reasons as to why you might consider feeding your Parrot with a moderate amount of this nutritious yet delicious fruit despite the risks associated with it.

How to prepare and serve a moderate tomato diet to your Parrot.

If you’ve decided to share a portion of this delicious red fruit with your feathered friend, then there are a few rules to be followed to ensure the safety of your beaked buddy. For your information, the variety of tomatoes you choose means a lot to your parrot safety.

How to choose the best tomatoes varieties for your Parrot.

Green vs. red tomatoes

First things first! Green tomatoes should never be an option for your Parrot. Unripe tomatoes have much higher concentrations of toxins than ripe ones. Besides, don’t go for tomatoes still attached to the vine. If you pick them from the garden, make sure you completely detach the fruit from the leaves and vine.

Small vs. large tomatoes.

Always go for the large tomatoes over plum and cherry-sized tomatoes. Although it might seem contradictory, the truth is that small tomatoes are much toxic than large ones.

Raw vs. dried/ cooked tomatoes.

It’s highly recommended to choose dried/ cooked tomatoes over raw ones, particularly that cooked tomatoes have a relatively lower level of toxins and acidity. Besides, processing tomatoes increases some nutrients. However, avoid canned tomatoes altogether.

After choosing your tomatoes, the next thing is preparation which starts by washing the fruit, especially if it’s fresh from the garden. Washing ensures that the fruit is free from pesticide residue, dust, dirt, and tiny critters. Besides, ensure you remove any remaining pieces of leaves or stems since these parts of the plant can be highly toxic to your Parrot when consumed.

If you’re looking forward to serving your Parrot with raw tomato, then consider cutting it into small pieces relative to your parrot size. For instance, if you have a grey parrot, you can chunk about 3/4 inch square tomato pieces for a fair treat.


If your Parrot is smaller in size, you better scale down the size of the pieces of the tomato. However, limit the number of days you give your parrot tomatoes to only one day a week or even more to avoid your Parrot developing health complications resulting from over-consuming tomatoes.

Dried tomatoes are much better and less dangerous to your Parrot. However, limit the amount and frequency you feed your Parrot with tomatoes, maybe one part per week. If you decide to chop it further into smaller portions, you can provide your parrot tomatoes twice a week.

Tomato-based sauces are also safe for your Parrot as long as you serve it in moderate portions.

Confirm that the sauce doesn’t contain food additives such as spices, salt, and sugar. Besides, it is much better to cook the sauce for your Parrot. If you want, mix one spoonful of tomato-based sauce with the cooked pasta to give your pet a fantastic Italian experience.

Are tomatoes safe to feed a parrot?

With the many warnings from vets about feeding too many tomatoes to birds, including Parrot, you can guess there are risks associated with providing a parrot with tomatoes.

For instance, alkaloids such as Tomatine and Solanine are two common toxins found in the nightshade family, including tomatoes. Although alkaloids found in tomatoes are far less toxic than those found in Belladonna, they are still potent enough to affect your bird’s health and, at worse, kill it. Tomato leaves and vines have a higher concentration of these toxins, and that’s why your Parrot should never consume even a little piece of these greeneries.

The level of these toxic compounds is far much lower in fresh tomatoes, which makes them safe for consumption by your Parrot.

The reason behind giving only a small portion of ripe tomato to your Parrot is the high acidity found in tomatoes. High acidity can significantly damage a parrots’ gastrointestinal resulting in ulcers. However, take these precautions seriously so that you can avoid the risk associated with feeding your parrot tomatoes. It’s all about you deciding if you can afford to take such a risk.

Naturally, tomatoes contain many essential nutrients and health benefits, such as plenty of antioxidants from the high lycopene content. This antioxidant, in particular, has immeasurable health benefits, such as ensuring a healthy heart and boosting the bird’s ability to fight cancer. Besides, it reduces the risks of sunburn on your bird.

Which are some of the Vitamins found in a ripe tomato?

  • Vitamin A. It enhances your Parrot’s immune systems and sight.
  • Vitamin C helps in fighting against sickness.
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) boosts the production of red blood cells, while Vitamin B9 (folate) helps in memory retention.

The vital mineral found in tomatoes.

  • Phosphorus assists in the formation of RNA and DNA as well as waste elimination.
  • Calcium. Calcium helps in strengthening your parrot bones, muscles, and proper nerve functioning.
  • Potassium assists in the regulation of body fluids and also enhancing nerve functioning.

By now, you should be able to answer the question, can parrots eat tomatoes? Many veterinarians claim that feeding your Parrot various fruits has excellent health benefits, which is true. However, the same experts and vets warn that giving your Parrot large quantities of plants and fruits from the nightshade plant family can affect the pet’s health. Some of the plants belonging to this group of organic compounds and alkaloids include eggplants, tomatoes, potatoes, chills, and bell peppers. Ingesting large quantities of some of the plants mentioned above and fruits can result in twitching, muscle trembling, convulsions, and paralyzed breathing.

What are the benefits of feeding parrot tomatoes?

Feeding your Parrot a small portion of raw tomatoes has numerous benefits. Dried tomatoes are easy to prepare and also can be done without too much stress and hassle.

Boost heart health.

Heart diseases and heart complications are becoming the leading causes of parrots’ deaths, especially the hose, whose main diets comprise artificial sugars. Fortunately, scientists have identified an effective and affordable solution for our lovely pet parrots. Sun-dried tomatoes protect the body from oxidative stress and inflammation besides having a significant positive effect on blood vessels, especially the inner layers. Healthy blood vessels reduce the risks of blood clots on your Parrot.

Prevention of cancer.

Cancer is a common thread to parrots. Many studies have proven the numerous positive effects of tomatoes in preventing many types of cancer, both in humans and birds. The high concentration of lycopene is believed to be the main contribution of such benefits.

What precautions should I take if my Parrot eats too many tomatoes?

We all know that mistakes are bound to happen whenever foods and pets are concerned. For instance, when you’re busy cooking and your Parrot is lurking about, they can perk at some ingredients, especially if you are bust on a specific task. Now, if your Parrot has already eaten some of your chopped tomatoes (maybe you didn’t even know that too many tomatoes are harmful to your Parrot), the first thing is to remain calm, don’t panic. If your Parrot just fed a few tomatoes, there is nothing to worry about; h/she should be okay.

However, it s/he was munching through some large pieces of tomatoes; for instance, it was a complete meal, and then you better pay extra attention to your lovely bird. Check if it starts to develop or act unusually, like making some uncomfortable noises and lacking energy. In that case, notify your vet as soon as possible. Some ripe tomatoes alone would rarely do significant harm to your Parrot, although you must ensure that your pet is away from the stem or vines of tomato at any given moment.

Final thought.

Feeding your Parrot too many raw tomatoes can cause havoc to your lovely pet, Parrot. Fortunately, there are other great tomato alternatives that you can serve to your pet as part of their healthy and balanced diet, for instance, dried tomatoes. Dried tomatoes are a great source of vitamins and vital minerals, which play a critical role in your bird’s good health. Whether you decide to cook or sundry tomatoes for your pet, ensure to consult your vet first. It’s always imperative to serve tomatoes and other fruits in moderation as part of a balanced diet.



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