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Category: Poultry

Beginners guide to quail care

Quails are a small, domesticated bird that can be kept as pets or for their eggs. They are extremely productive and lay about 230 eggs per year, making them an excellent choice for anyone who wants to start their own flock in the backyard. Quail eggs are about the same size as chicken eggs and

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Best quail feed from 2024! Nutrition guide for quail

Choosing the best quail feed is essential for promoting the health, growth and productivity of these graceful birds. Quail have specific nutritional needs that vary according to their age, breed and life stage. The ideal feed for quail should contain a balanced mix of protein, fiber, fats, vitamins and minerals to support their overall well-being.

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What do Japanese quail eat?

Japanese quail are small but active birds that need a balanced diet to stay healthy and happy. They are omnivores and eat both plant and animal foods. The diet of Japanese quail should consist of a high-quality food that is tailored to the nutritional needs of these birds. It is also important to provide occasional

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Japanese quail eggs hatching

The hatching of Japanese quail eggs is a fascinating and fascinating process that requires a lot of attention and care. Japanese quail are smaller birds than conventional chickens, but they are very productive and can lay up to 300 eggs a year. Incubating these eggs can be a great way to build up your own

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Can Japanese quail fly?

The Japanese quail is a small, attractive bird native to East Asia. It has been kept as a pet for centuries and is now bred for its meat and eggs. But one question many people have about the Japanese quail is: can it fly? The answer may surprise you. The Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica), also

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How big does a Japanese quail grow

Have you ever wondered how big a Japanese quail can get? You may be surprised to learn that these small birds can reach impressive sizes, with some reaching up to 25 cm in length and weighing up to 350 grams. The average size of a mature adult is usually about 15-18 centimeters long, with the

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When do Japanese quail lay eggs?

When do Japanese quail lay eggs?

Japanese quail are a popular poultry species for both agriculture and pets because of their small size and exceptionally productive laying qualities. Moreover, breeding Japanese quail has the advantage of low maintenance. But as hobbyists or agricultural producers who want to use the eggs of these birds, it can be difficult to predict exactly when

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How old do Japanese quail get?

Japanese quails are small birds with a beautiful appearance. They are popular pets because they are relatively easy to care for and generally gregarious and sweet. A common question asked by owners of these lovely creatures is “How old do Japanese quails live?”. In this article, we explore that answer. We know that Japanese quails

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